

  • New features

    • Add mystery code section


  • New features

    • Add distribution section
  • Fixes

    • Fix some visual bugs
    • Fix some API unknown errors
    • Fix providers error for MultiversX
    • Fix Binance error


  • Fixes

    • Change some links
    • Fix staking in MultiversX wallet


  • Fixes

    • Some fix


  • New features

    • Add migration popup for the old app location


  • New features

    • End of BETA version!
    • Implement ENS domain for Ethereum
    • Implement Herotag for MultiversX
    • Implement xMex price for MultiversX
    • Implement metastacking from xExchange for MultiversX
    • Implement liquidity pool from xExchange for MultiversX
    • Move app to to
  • Improvements

    • Refactor many parts of code for better performance and fiability
    • Improve loading of wallet data
    • Improve wallets sorting in home page
    • Add cache for some call for better performance
  • Fixes

    • Fix temporary price from wallet
    • Fix some design issues
    • Fix some bugs
    • Fix NaN ins StarkNet wallet
    • Fix NaN ins MultiversX wallet
    • Fix some warning when getting data from blockchain
    • Fix delete wallet issue
    • Fix add wallet issue
    • Fix theme error
    • Fix some visual bugs
    • Remove token with no balance in Solana
    • Fix invisible token in token page


  • Fixes

    • Some fix


  • Fixes

    • Fix staking calculation for MultiversX Stake
    • Fix staking calculation for MultiversX Legacy Delegation


  • New features

    • Token page when clicking on token evolution in home page
  • Improvements

    • Some code improvements
    • More faster loading
    • Improve prices calculation for liquidity pools on MultiversX
    • Improve some visual effects
  • Fixes

    • Fix some bugs
    • Fix some visual bugs
    • Fix NFTs display for StarkNet
    • Fix NFTs display for Ethereum


  • New features

    • Search page
    • Trendings section
    • Section sorting by descending amount in wallet
  • Fixes

    • Fix some bugs
    • Fix some visual bugs
    • Fix some text errors
  • Improvements

    • Update some libraries for security
    • Some code improvements
    • More faster loading
    • More faster theme switching
    • Sorting in home page is more efficient


  • New features

    • Binance integration
  • Fixes

    • Update some libraries for security


  • Improvements

    • Some code improvements
  • Fixes

    • Fix StarkNet wallet, data are now displayed
    • Add token in waiting list for MultiversX Legacy Delegation
    • Fix NaN token value for StarkNet wallet


  • New features

    • Can expand and collapse section in wallet page (tokens, NFTs, stakings)
  • Fixes

    • Fix Rules wallet, NFTs are now displayed


  • Improvements

    • Added popups to inform about the progress of some functions
    • Server improvements
    • Elrond is renamed MultiversX
  • Fixes

    • MultiversX, the display of NFTs is no longer limited to 25
    • Rename wallet is now fully functional
    • Rules packs, prices are no longer displayed while waiting for pack sales to be available from the Rules Marketplace
    • Fix some bugs
    • Server fixes
    • Fix some visual bugs


  • New features

    • Rules wallet in Cairo 1 is now supported
  • Improvements

    • Display more error messages for external API calls
    • UI and UX improvements when loading data
    • Improve code for better performance
  • Fixes

    • Fix many problems when not all wallets are loaded (global evolution, sorting, ...)
    • Fix some infinite loading when loading data
    • Update some libraries for security
    • Fix some bugs
    • Fix some visual bugs
    • Fix colors in charts


  • New features

    • Adding a chart to see the evolution of your wallet for the last 7 days
  • Improvements

    • Add number of tokens, NFTs and stakings in front of they titles
  • Fixes

    • Fix some bugs
    • Keep sorting when action


  • Improvements

    • Keep the connection active during 50 days
  • Fixes

    • Fix some bugs


  • Fixes

    • Fix some bugs


  • New features

    • Can save your data in cloud
    • Can connect with Google account
    • Add wallet theme for Rules wallet
    • Add settings page
    • Add new navigation bar
  • Improvements

    • Loading data from blockchain is now faster
    • Some UX improvements
    • Remove unused code
    • Replace some libraries by others lighter
    • Improve some calculations for better accuracy and performance
  • Fixes

    • Fix some bugs
    • Fix some visual bugs
    • Fix some UX parts


  • New features

    • Propose to add wallet to your account
    • Wallet data is stored in your local storage
    • See evolution of your wallet since the last time you saw it (closest to 24 hours ago)
    • Keep sorting for next sessions
    • App get some data for app scalability (next update, you can choose to disable it) and obviously, no personal data is stored (only number of wallets and type of wallets)
  • Improvements

    • Less API calls
    • Keep sorting when adding or deleting a wallet
    • Some UX improvements
  • Fixes

    • Fix some bugs


  • New features

    • PWAs support (installable on mobile)
  • Improvements

    • Some UX improvements
    • Optimization of the code
    • Lighter and more fluid website
  • Fixes

    • Rename wallet saving


  • Improvements

    • Application data is now stored in the browser
    • Fewer unnecessary API calls
    • Some UX improvements
    • Reworked Solana API calls
  • Fixes

    • Fix display long name of wallet
    • Fix "Reach limit" error for Solana wallet


  • New features

    • Roadmap
    • Home page
  • Improvements

    • Some UX improvements
  • Fixes

    • Fix some bugs


  • New features

    • NFTs support for Starknet
  • Improvements

    • Display error message when error appear on wallet page
    • Increase website performance
    • Some visual improvements
  • Fixes

    • Less errors while loading data


  • New features

    • Desktop support
    • NFTs support for Solana
    • NFTs support for Ethereum
    • Can join the Discord server
  • Improvements

    • Some visual improvements
    • Some UX improvements
  • Fixes

    • Bug when deleting an unique wallet
    • Some visual fixes
  • Other

    • Add particules on the header
    • Add a favicon and colors theme
    • Smarter back button


  • New features

    • Staking support for EGLD
    • Change view of NFTs
  • Fixes

    • Fix NFT price in USD
    • Some visual fixes


  • New features

    • NFTs support for EGLD
    • SOL token support
    • Detailed view of a wallet
    • Changelog page


  • Fixes

    • Fix elrond inacurate data
    • Fix loading balance of wallet


  • New features

    • Add a footer
  • Improvements

    • Change app header effect on scroll
    • Move "BETA" to bottom


  • New features

    • Can delete a wallet
    • Sorting wallets
    • Starknet partial wallet support
    • Info about inacurate data
    • Popup when action is done
    • "BETA" version indicator
    • Temporary icon
  • Improvements

    • Better data fetching


  • Initial release

    • Can add a wallet
    • Can see wallet balance
    • Can see total balance
    • Can edit wallet
    • Can copy wallet address
    • Ethereum partial wallet support
    • Solana partial wallet support
    • Elrond partial wallet support